49 vegetarian proteins that are as good as meat

49 vegetarian proteins that are as good as meat

How do you get enough protein if you don’t eat meat? It sounds hard at first but there are plenty of great vegetarian proteins that taste amazing and don't require you to eat a bucket full to get the nutrition you need to stay strong.

There are many alternatives to meat that have similar amounts of protein and we've put together a list of the 49 best vegetarian proteins that are as good as meat.

Read time: 13 mins


Weather-stripping: Stop losing money by sealing windows and leaks

Caulking application

You may not have money to remodel your home to save energy. However there is one simple thing to do, you can fix air leaks with weather-stripping and caulking. Seal up crack between your toasty interior and windy exterior. This can greatly reduce your homes energy usage through more efficient heating and cooling. Of course, lowering energy usage saves you money and lowers your carbon footprint.

Read time: 6 mins


Protect the environment: Keep those pipes piping hot

Protect the environment: Keep those pipes piping hot

By insulating some of the pipes in your hot water heating system, you can save money and protect the environment through the same do-it-yourself household improvement.

If you are a conscious home-owner or just plain environmentally conscious the benefits of insulating your hot water heater pipes are many.

Best of all this do-it-yourself home projects doesn't take much time or money, and gladly doesn't require a deep rooted knowledge in plumbing.

Read time: 7 mins


Save the Earth + save money: This cheap upgrade pays for itself fast

Many of us today are trying to be more eco friendly while living on a budget. Thankfully for us, saving money and helping to save the Earth often go hand in hand. What if I told you that for 1.5 hours of your time, you could reduce the money you lose on your utility bill and reduce your carbon footprint?

Don’t believe me that it can be that easy? Allow me to tell you about the water heater blanket.

Read time: 7 mins



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