Simple tips

Simple tips

Everyone knows the key to fighting climate change and being more green is lowering your carbon footprint. Sounds simple enough, but keeping greenhouse gas emissions in mind during the regular course of your day can be anything but simple. But don't worry the road to being more eco friendly is straighter than you think. Sometimes a few simple tips are all you need to get started. Try these easy ways to fight climate change and soon they will be a part of your everyday life!

Days without meat: the non-vegetarian initiative that convinced 86,000 people to skip meat

Dagen Zonder Vlees

As a Flemish girl, I was taught that a decent meal had to have potatoes, vegetables and meat. But in 2011, another Flemish girl turned my ideas about food upside down. This year, over 86,000 people are following her by eating less meat for 40 days. Meet Dagen Zonder Vlees, a booming Belgian initiative.

Read time: 8 mins


5 green tips for your summer backyard bash

Summer has finally arrived, which means that the weather is finally allowing us to throw our much beloved backyard patio parties. Planning a get-together with friends and family involves preparing supplies, food, beverages, games and sometimes even decorations (if we are getting really fancy). Although it is tempting to take a more convenient route and head to a nearby dollar store to get paper plates and plastic cutlery, or going to a fast food restaurant for a quick and ready meal, those are not the most green options.

Read time: 6 mins


Have you tried the five minute shower challenge?

If you watch the news or read the newspaper you will learn about the terrible drought in California. This is the fourth year California is in a severe drought. California Governor Jerry Brown announced a drought State of Emergency in January 2015 and ordered strict conservation measures statewide. On May 5, 2015 California water regulators ordered tough restrictions on residents' use of water. Californians are required to cut their water usage up to 35 percent or they will face harsh fines under proposed new rules.

Read time: 5 mins


Plant a Tree, Reduce Carbon Emissions

Many people are now aware that high amounts of carbon dioxide pose a threat to the environment. In fact, studies have shown that climate warming is very likely due to the increase of carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere produced by human beings (1). While it is important to reduce the amount of carbon emissions we each produce on a regular basis, the act of clearing the atmosphere of already existing carbon dioxide emissions is necessary as well.

Read time: 3 mins


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