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COP 21 and Canada: What You Need to Know

For the next two weeks, Canada and over 190 countries will take part in the 21st Conference of Parties (COP 21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Despite security concerns amidst events in France, the conference will be held in Paris and will aim to fight climate change through international action and a united framework from all actors involved. Since 1992, there has been an effort by the UN to act on global climate change.

Read time: 7 mins


How to Talk to Your Uncle About Climate Change

We all have that one person in our family (there are a few in mine). You see them approaching at a gathering, solo cup in hand, wearing a smile that says, “I’m looking to instigate.” Your stomach tightens as you brace yourself for the sarcastic question you know is coming: “So, how’s all your tree hugging going?”

Read time: 7 mins


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