Buy smart

Buy smart

If you stop buying products that contain powerful greenhouse gases (high GWP gases), you can reduce your impact and you'll be doing something smart for the environment. You can do this by simply not using or using less air conditioning (in the car, at home or work), refrigerators (if you have more than one), foam products (styrofoam cups/containers, foam packaging, foam based home insulation, etc.) and aerosols (hairspray, shaving cream, etc.)

Buying smart also means buying used! Used items not only do you not add any new emissions caused by transporting manufactured goods from the point of production, you also stop the emissions that would have been caused by the manufacturing and packaging of this newly made item.

Pacific garbage patch: 6 effortless ways you can make a difference

Pacific garbage patch: 6 effortless ways you can make a difference

The Great Pacific garbage patch is caused by marine debris – the human-made waste that ends up in the ocean. The animals and plants living in the ocean are increasingly more threatened by our waste. Most of this waste (around 60 percent) is estimated to be plastic, but also includes Styrofoam, synthetics, metal, foam and glass. These are not biodegradable materials, and as such remain and cause problems both for the species living in the ocean and the humans who live alongside them. The result is a serious amount of pollution which is very difficult to clean.

Read time: 8 mins


Global warming solutions: Greener lawns with these 2 simple tips

Solutions to global warming: Greener lawns with this simple tip

There are many solutions to global warming and reducing one's carbon footprint but what can homeowners do for their lawns? How can you have a "greener" lawn? There are really two main steps you can take to decrease the carbon emissions of your lawn: reduce its size and transition from a gas-powered mower to an electric or reel mower.

Instead of continuing in the same direction, here are a few things that can be done to minimize the impact.

Read time: 13 mins



Loose-leaf tea

From your cup of earl grey or your mystifying medicinal herbal blend, tea can have incredibly calming or invigorating effects on our bodies and minds. Yet, you eco-nerds out there may be searching for simple ways to green your routine. Why not start with your morning (or afternoon) tea? Let’s take a deeper look into the various footprints of tea and tips on how to find sustainabili-tea.

The Tea Plant and Habitat

Read time: 10 mins


The carbon footprint of household cleaners

Knowledge and awareness are key aspects in reducing your carbon footprint. By understanding the contents of the products you are using, it becomes much easier to make carbon-friendly choices in your own home. Because of this, practicing DIY-style green cleaning with simple ingredients that you can pick and choose from yourself can significantly reduce your carbon footprint. It can also be fun, crafty and eco-friendly!

Read time: 6 mins


The eco-friendly scoop on doggy bags: Reduce your dog’s carbon pawprint

Owning a dog is a rewarding experience. Not only does petting a dog reduce your blood pressure, but also dogs in general, make wonderful companions. Any new dog owner knows the trials and tribulations involved with raising your new pet. Dogs need constant guidance and affection, requiring hours of playtime and long walks, not to mention, picking up after them.

Read time: 3 mins



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